写真撮影: 高橋マナミ

Environmental Management Unit

  • Professor NUMATA Shinya:Protected Area Management, Tropical Biology, Urban Ecology[home page
  • Professor NIHEI Takaaki:Human geography, Nature-based tourism[home page
  • Associate Professor OSAWA Takeshi:Biodiversity Informatics, Applied Ecology, Conservation Science
  • Assistant Professor TAKAGI Etsuro:Forest Zoology, Population Ecology
  • Assistant Professor SAKAMOTO Yuki:Human Geography, Tourism Geography

Regional and Urban Planning Unit

  • Professor SHIMIZU Tetsuo:Transport Studies, Infrastructure Planning, Tourism Planning and Policy Studies[home page
  • Professor KAWAHARA Susumu:Urban Design & Planning, Community-Based Development and Tourism
  • Associate Professor OKAMURA Yu:Urban Design, Conservation Planning, Community-based Tourism and Town Planning
  • Assistant Professor NODA Mitsuru:Rural Planning, Urban & Regional Design
  • Assistant Professor OHIRA Yuki:Infrastructure Planning, Transport Studies

Behavior and Management Science Unit

  • Professor AIHARA:Human-Computer Interaction , Information Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Behavioral Science, Cyber-Physical Systems, Crowd-sensing
  • Associate Professor KURATA Yohei:Spatial Information Science, Tourism Informatics[home page
  • Associate Professor HIHARA Katsuya:Management Science, Microeconomics, Tourism Policy, Transport Policy
  • Associate Professor Wu Lingling:Tourism marketing, integrated tourist behavior modeling, big data analysis in tourism
  • Assistant Professor OGASAWARA Yu:Social Systems Engineering (Revenue Management, Operations Research)