Entrance Exams for the Undergraduate Course

In the Department of Tourism Science, we admit diverse talents using various selection methods such as the Entrance Exam for Selected Candidates (General Recommendation) and the Admission Office (AO) Entrance Exam in addition to the General Selection Entrance Exam (first-half schedule, second-half schedule). For the General Selection Entrance Examination, we select those students who have studied a wide range of basic subjects in high school, acquired unbiased knowledge, and mastered satisfactory basic academic skills. In the first-half schedule, we select those students who have basic academic skills in the field of science that are sufficient for learning tourism science based on the scientific methodologies specified by the department; this is measured through an Entrance Exam by the National Center for University Entrance Examination (seven subjects in five subject areas) and the Independent Academic Ability Exam (three subjects in three subject areas).


In the second-half schedule, we select candidates who are superior in logical thinking and match the student image required by the department; this is measured through an Entrance Exam by the National Center for University Entrance Examination (six subjects in five subject areas) and the Independent Academic Ability Exam (short essay only). These entrance exams for the second-half schedule are manageable even for students in the humanities who have taken mathematics and science courses.

In addition, we conduct the Exam for Selected Candidates (General Recommendation) and the Admission Office (AO) Entrance Exam (for the global education program) as various selection methods, and the Entrance Exam for Returnee Students/Students Who Have Repatriated Guardians From China, the Entrance Exam for International Students, and the Entrance Exam for Privately Funded Foreign Students as special selection.

For details on the entrance exams, please see the application guidelines or contact the Admission Center (Admission Division) in the Administrative Affairs Department of TMU.


Contact: Admission Center (Admission Division), Tokyo Metropolitan University

Tel. +81-42-677-1111

Entrance Exam for Graduate School

Applicants who wish to enroll in the Department of Tourism Science are required to take entrance exams, held in August or February for both the master's program and the doctoral program. There is the possibility to enroll either in April or in October. The August Entrance Exam for the master's program consists of a short essay, a written exam for specialized subjects, and an interview. The February Entrance Exam consists of a short essay and a presentation with an interview about research achievements and research plans. The entrance exam for the doctoral program consists of a short essay and a presentation with an interview for both the February and August exams. In addition to the above, all examinees must submit TOEFL, TOEIC, or IELTS scores by the exam date (subject to evaluation). For details, please see the application guidelines (http://www.ues.tmu.ac.jp/graduate.html). In addition, please be sure to consult with the teacher under whom you would like to study by e-mail before the exam date. Entrance exam briefing sessions are held every year around May.


Contact: Desk for Entrance Exam of Graduate School of Tourism Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University

E-mail: kyomu@tmu.ac.jp