Students We Welcome to Our Department

The main educational features of the Department of Tourism Science comprise the following four points.


  • First, we provide programs for students to learn a wide range of basic knowledge about tourism that supports "town development and the proper use of nature" and to acquire "comprehensive power and specialized expertise" with deep and specialized knowledge.
  • Second, students can theoretically clarify concrete phenomena and challenges for "town development and the proper use of nature" and learn "technologies" such as the investigation method, analytical method, and expression method for planning.
  • Third, students can, using the research/education method of PBL (project-based learning), with actual areas/tourist spots as activity fields, analyze the resources and phenomena of relevant areas from the viewpoint of sustainable development, and at times propose and carry out social experiments, develop plans based on these activities, and experience and research "from diagnosis of tourist spots to planning and practice."
  • Fourth, because they belong to the first accredited school of the "ECO-TOP program" that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government established in 2008 for human resource development and a certification system with the aim of preserving the natural environment, students can learn and experience diverse types of expertise, along with various ideas and values regarding environmental problems in the natural environment field.

Learning at The Department of Tourism Science

  • Tourism Science Project Exercise/Regional Environmental Studies/Ecological Environment Studies/Bioresource Science
  • Tourism Town Planning/Tourism Region History/Land and Infrastructure Planning and Tourism
  • Tourism Marketing Science/Service Management/Tourism Information Studies/Psychology of Tourist Behaviors/Tourism Statistical Analysis

Classes that You Can Study in the Department of Tourism Science

  • Individuals who are interested in lectures and exercises in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences as they relate to conservation and the utilization of local resources such as the natural environment, history and culture, arts and industry, and tourism area management
  • Individuals who are motivated to learn about the kind of tourism that gives people dreams and vitality through symbiosis and participate in exchanges with other people or things
  • Individuals who are eager to contribute to society by acquiring skills regarding investigation, planning, and practice of topics related to tourism

Career Paths of Graduates From Undergraduate and Graduate Courses

Undergraduates' careers after graduation are varied, including such areas as travel and accommodation industries related to tourism, transportation businesses that support tourism, public administrative entities and consulting firms that support promotion of tourist spots, the financial industry, and so on. Besides going on to the graduate school for Tourism Science at TMU, some graduate students have entered other graduate schools of TMU and other university graduate schools. Future plans for graduate students, just like for undergraduates, include a wide range of fields related to tourism. The proportion of graduate students becoming consultants, who generally need relatively specialized analytical skills and practical skills, is higher than that of undergraduate students.


  • Undergraduates' employment areas after graduation by industry (number of people) FY 2011 - 2017 (129 people)
    Master's Program, Transportation, Travel, Public/Administrative Organization, Construction/Construction Material/Real Estate, IT-related, Financial, Logistics Retail, Consulting, Media/Advertising, Event/Bridal, Manufacturing Accommodations, Other
  • Master's program students' employment areas after graduation by industry (number of people) FY 2011 - 2017 (103 people)
    Doctoral Program, Transportation, Travel, Public/Administrative Organization, Construction/Construction Material, Real Estate, IT-related, Financial, Retail, Consulting, Media/Advertisement, Event/Bridal, Accommodation, Education, Trading Company, Other